Eastern Central


Most points in this section have wonderful data with most having the exact location found along with the finder to present day owner. Great data and good history.


 Benton/Short Stem Little Bear Creek

This point has features of both of the above types, but I'm leaning towards a Little Bear Creek type because of the super fine serrations along both sides. A fine point. 3 3/4" x 1"

Fort Payne Chert

Livingstone County, Kentucky

Middle Archaic 2500 BP



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Nice material and edge flaking. This point has a look/see by John Berner/AAI as authentic, but he didn't type it. I think this point falls in the Pickwick family with its flaking and rind on the base. 3 1/4" x 1 1/16"

Dover Chert


Middle to Late Archaic 4500 BP



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  Big Slough

A good example of the type from the famous James Cambron collection. His markings are on points back. Core on base. 27/8" x 1 1/2"

Dover Chert

North Alabama

Middle Archaic 5500 BP



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 Turkeytail - Harrison

A worked down to death thing, but still a good type example. 2 1/8" x 7/8".

Carter Cave Flint


Late Archaic to Woodland 3000 BP



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A fine, thin and very well made type example. 2 5/8" x 1 3/8".

Coshocton Flint

Butler Co., Ohio

Early Archaic 8000 BP



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Small, parallel flaking, crude, but still a paleo point! 2 5/8" x 13/16".

Delaware Chert

Humphreys Co., Tennessee

Transitional Paleo 9500 BP



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 Big Sandy Broad Base

Good form and very thin. 1 9/16" x 1".

Ft. Payne Chert

South Kentucky

Early Archaic 8500 BP



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 Buzzard Roost Creek

A great type example with decent size. 2 7/16" x 1 7/16".

Delaware Chert


Middle Archaic 5000 BP



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 Copena Auriculate

Good type example, nice material. 2 9/16" x 1 1/8"

Dover Chert

Madison Co., Alabama

Early Woodland 4000 BP



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 Adena Wells

A very defined type example with a nice elongated base. 2 1/2" x 1" made out of Dover Chert.


Middle Archaic to Late Archaic 3000 BP



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 Kirk Stemmed

A super thin and nicely made point out of a tough stone to work. Buy this one for the beautiful material. 2 5/8" by1 3/8".

Snowflake Quartz


Middle Archaic 7000BP



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Thin, well made example with nice notches and a great base. 2 1/8" by 1 1/4"

Mississippi Jasper


Early Archaic 7000 BP



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A fine, worked down sweet little guy.

High grade Flint Ridge Flint 1 5/8 "x 1 1/4"

Morrow County, Ohio

Late Archaic - Early Woodland 1000 BC



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 Ohio Points

Nine Ohio points of various materials (Flint Ridge, Nellie Chert, Coshocton, etc.) ranging in size from 1" to 2 1/2". All ex Jim Bennett.

Row one

Adena Robbins, Hopewell Blade (SOLD)

Row Two

Brewerton points

(All four SOLD)

Row Three

Madison (SOLD), Adena (SOLD), Kirk (SOLD)

Any one $8.00, two for $12.00. four or more at $5.00 each.


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 Tupelo Turkeytail - Perino Papered

A rare form of Turkeytail much eariler than other types. Found in a cache with Benton points.This is an authentic piece that had the tip rechipped, as noted on the Perino paper. This piece has also been checked for its authenticity by AAI/John Berner, who agreed verbally with Greg Perino.

Made out of a Fort Payne Chert from Fayette County, Alabama - this measures a whopping 7 1/8 " long!

Middle Archaic 4750 to 3900 BC



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 Adena Leaf Blade

3" x 2" big

Delaware Chert

Ashland County, Ohio

Late Archaic to Woodland 2000 BP



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 Seven Raymond Vietzen Points

The grouping are all Ohio points and are, from left to right:

Top row: Jacks Reef (SOLD), Palmer (SOLD), Corner Notch (SOLD)

Bottom row: Archaic side-notched, Ashtabula SOLD, Side-notched SOLD, Adena Narrow stem SOLD

any one $18.00 - two or more $15.00 each.


Nice piece. Great data with exact location.

Gray chert.

Campbell County, KY.

Early to Middle Archaic. 9000 - 5000 BP.



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St. Albans

Great data with exact location.

Black Coshocton flint.

Harrison County, KY.

Early to Middle Archaic. 9000 - 5000 BP.



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St. Albans

Good data.

Tan chert.

Pendelton County, KY.

Early to Middle Archaic. 9000 - 5000 BP.



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Archaic Blunt

Next to perfect little blunt with nice ears. Great data with exact location.

Pink chert.

Gallatin County, KY.

Early to Middle Archaic. 9000 - 5000 BP.



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